• VJEN 100

    Our Jenkins vServers offer everything that is necessary for a jenkins server. You get a turnkey Jenkins installed from us and you don't need to worry about the updates either. You can concentrate on your work.
    The guaranteed resources guarantee high performance and stability for your system. If you need individual configurations, this is not a problem. Maybe you need a certain compiler or a certain application on the server. We would be happy to advise you.

    All VServers are hosted on high-quality branded hardware and have sufficient resources and an excellent network connection. This ensures excellent performance. The server location in Germany and the daily backup of the VServer guarantee a high level of security for your data.

    60,90 €
    incl. 19% VAT
What you get
  • Jenkins Server

    Jenkins is a web-based system for the continuous integration of components into an application program. The Jenkins server is a fork of the Hudson project and is written in the Java programming language.

  • Commercial use

    All our packages are intended for commercial use. However, it does not matter if you use the package private or commercial. With the LCube packages you are always positioned perfectly.

  • Location of server


    Our server of LCube is in Germany, which means that the German data protection act applies.

  • Servertype


    A virtual server (VServer) is a definded area (container) on a host system. The container receives ressources like CPU cores, RAM, disk space that it can use. Exceeding the ressources with the VServer is not possible. Thus prevents that different containers on a host system influence each other negative.

  • CPU cores

    2 cpu cores

    A server needs a processor to process data. This processor can be devided into multiple CPU cores. If the system has more CPU cores, it is normally faster. The servers of LCube run only on high quality server processors. These cores are of course built in brand servers from well known manufacturers. Thus, we can ensure excellent stability and high speed.

  • RAM

    4 GB

    The data that is necessary for the work of the processors is stored in the main memory. Depending on the application there is more or less RAM needed. Each application or each server is assigned a certain number of RAM. Here it is not possible to exceed the maximum setting. If you need more memory you book it additionally at any time. Our support team is happy to help you.

  • Storage

    40 GB NVMe SSD

    To save data on your Web package you need of course storage space. We from LCube therefore save all data on high quality media and storage systems, just from brand manufacturers. That means if it comes to a failure in one component, all data survives and is still accessible. Therefore, you do no have to fear any losses or additional work to restore the data.

  • Traffic


    So that the data and your webpage are reachable, it is necessary first to transfer the data. This transmitted data is called traffic. All packages that we offer have enough traffic, that you are able to work carefree. The data center is connected with different providers, so that the data can be transferred in case of a failure or problems with the load factor.

  • Plesk

    Plesk/Onyx Pro

    Plesk is a management interface for webservers, which offers an easy to use management interface. Without prior knowledge you can create with PLESK webpages, set up email Accounts, manage domains and much more. Practically everything that is necessary for your web server you can configure with PLESK without prior knowledge. If you nonetheless have problems or questions arise, then our support team is available for you always.

  • Individual configuration

    You have individual requirements for the installation of your servers? That is of course no problem. Because with our servers you can influence the installation of the components. Just let us know what applications you need and our support team will try to realize your personal wishes. There are only rare exclusion criteria, which make an installation impossible. We are happy to help you realizing your wishes.

  • SSH access

    To access your web package there are different possibilities. There is a distinction between HTTP, FTP and via console (SSH). If you access via SSH you can use direct instructions. Especially for some packages, it is necessary to start management operations and installations directly. Many users, who are technically adept, therefore like to use the console to start functions and even work faster.

  • Backup


    In the EDP backup of data is the essential thing. Because only those who regulary backup their data are protected against a complete data loss. However, redundancy is often mixed up with data backup. But here the data of one hard disk system is only mirrored on multiple disks. If accidentally data was deleted or damaged then all mirrored disks are affected. So it is absolutely necessary to preform a regular data backup. To offer you maximum security the backup of LCube is done in an independent data center of an other company situated at the other hand of Hannover.


Do you have any questions about our offers or do you have a technical problem? Our support team is at your disposal at any time.
We look forward to you.

Phone:   0800 - 5282348-0 Phone:   +49 5132 - 92197-0 info@lcube.de
Telefax: 0800 - 5282348-99 Telefax: +49 5132 - 92197-99  
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