6,90 €
    incl. 19% VAT
What you get
  • JAVA / Tomcat

    Our java packages have all there own Tomcat instance. This provides an independent and stable system. As a result of that, the scripts of different customer packages cannot influence each other. You can decide if you want to work with a Tomcat 5.5 or a Tomcat 6.0. Furthermore, you can choose from JVM 1.5 or 1.6.

  • High-availability servers

    • High-availability servers for almost 100% server availability!
      Our hosting servers are configured as a high-availability cluster system. Two machines balanceeachother all the time continously. If one machine fails, for example because of a hardware malfunction, the second machine takes over almostpresently all tasks. By this, a failure due to a server defect is almost impossible and the availability is considerably increased.

  • Commercial use

    All our packages are intended for commercial use. However, it does not matter if you use the package private or commercial. With the LCube packages you are always positioned perfectly.

  • Location of server


    Our server of LCube is in Germany, which means that the German data protection act applies.

  • Storage

    500 MB

    To save data on your Web package you need of course storage space. We from LCube therefore save all data on high quality media and storage systems, just from brand manufacturers. That means if it comes to a failure in one component, all data survives and is still accessible. Therefore, you do no have to fear any losses or additional work to restore the data.

  • Traffic

    50.000 MB

    So that the data and your webpage are reachable, it is necessary first to transfer the data. This transmitted data is called traffic. All packages that we offer have enough traffic, that you are able to work carefree. The data center is connected with different providers, so that the data can be transferred in case of a failure or problems with the load factor.

  • Domains included

    1 x .de, .com, .net, .org, .info, .biz, .eu

    With a domain you are reachable for your users. Depending on what package you choose there is a domain included in the price. If you need more domains you can reorder domains easily and fast. The corresponding prices for additional domains you can read under the point domains.

  • Subdomains

    Subdomains are a part of the main domain, like for example test.meinedomain.de. The subdomain belongs to the domain meinedomain.de. In our packages you can set up any number of subdomains and they ate includes in the price of each package.

  • Umlautdomains

    Meanwhile, it is no longer a problem to register domains with umlauts. Because in the meantime a lot of registration departments support special characters and umlauts. We would be happy to care about your domain request and pass it in the correct format to the registration department.

  • Redirections

    All our web packages support redirections of domains. Therefore, you can register a domain and redirect a subdomain or the complete domain to an other location. You decide on your own if you prefer 301 or 302 redirections, so that the search engine optimization is supported and is not messed up.

  • Mailboxes

    500 Mailboxes

    Finally your own email adresses. Our web packages offer you that chance. You can always create mailboxes to receive and send your emails. There are various protocols available to communicate with our mail server. These are SMTP, POP3 and IMAP and of course the encrypted versions so that a secure transmission can be guaranteed. Our mail server also supports IMAP-Push so that your device always gets information about a new mail in your box.

  • FTP

    You can access all of our web packages via FTP to transfer your data quickly. Of course this works also with secure connections through FTPS. FTP/FTPS is the standard protocol for web development. With the client, that many web development tools have integrated you can easily access your web packages at LCube.

  • Graphic reports

    So that you can see what is going on your web pages, you will get graphical reports. So you can always control how much traffic there was and which sites were visited most frequently. These are of course only a few examples of data that you can see with our reports.

  • PHP / CGI / SSI / PERL / NodeJS / Ruby

    You awake with your dynamic content your website to life. With our LCube packages you receive all common web programming languages to create these sites. You can choose between HTML, Javascript, Perl, SSI, PHP from 5.2 to 8.x, NodeJS, Ruby or even Python your favorite programming language. With that diversity, you are very flexible with the packages from LCube.

  • MySQL databases

    5 MySQL DBs

    In general, the data of a web page is stored in a database. In our system, you have the option to use MySQL databases. MySQL is a database server especially for the needs of web projects. A high performance and reliability are some of the advantages of MySQL. Besides that, nearly every programming language can by default communicate with MySQL.

  • Backup


    In the EDP backup of data is the essential thing. Because only those who regulary backup their data are protected against a complete data loss. However, redundancy is often mixed up with data backup. But here the data of one hard disk system is only mirrored on multiple disks. If accidentally data was deleted or damaged then all mirrored disks are affected. So it is absolutely necessary to preform a regular data backup. To offer you maximum security the backup of LCube is done in an independent data center of an other company situated at the other hand of Hannover.


Do you have any questions about our offers or do you have a technical problem? Our support team is at your disposal at any time.
We look forward to you.

Phone:   0800 - 5282348-0 Phone:   +49 5132 - 92197-0 info@lcube.de
Telefax: 0800 - 5282348-99 Telefax: +49 5132 - 92197-99  
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